When should I meditate? What's the best time to meditate?
It's really up to you to decide when you can meditate. There's no good o...
What is meditation?
Your attention is a bit like a brain muscle. And meditation is a kind of...
What isn't meditation?
Meditation is reflecting and being introspective Quite the opposite. Med...
What's the right position for meditating?
There are no strict rules about the position you should adopt to meditat...
Who meditates?
"A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open." Frank Z...
How often should I meditate?
"We must take change by the hand or rest assuredly, change will take us ...
Where can I meditate?
The answer to this will depend on when you want to meditate. Time and pl...
How do I meditate?
It's very easy: Stop Devote some time to yourself Deliberately direct y...
Where does meditation come from?
Originally, it formed part of a spiritual tradition (Hinduism, Buddhism,...
How can I find the time to meditate?
"Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are bu...
How can I be sure I'm meditating correctly?
"There are very few easy successes and final failures." Marcel Proust W...
How do I find and maintain motivation?
First, you have to find your deep motivation before or during the initia...
How can I make sure I'm not disturbed while meditating?
Tell anyone who might disturb you that you're going to meditate. If pos...
Meditation: short-term fashion or long-term trend?
We have been meditating for hundreds of years, so there's no reason why ...
How should I dress?
You don't need any particular clothing to meditate. Simply make sure you...
What type of meditation is the basis for these guided sessions?
In fact, our service focuses primarily on experimentation, on 'meditatin...
How can meditators with more experience and an established practice make use of Petit BamBou?
Our service is aimed at everyone: complete beginners, meditators who hav...
What must I believe in?
"A belief may be comforting. Only through your own experience, however, ...
How can technology (smartphones, computers, internet etc.) and meditation work together?
We believe very strongly in a future in which new technologies will harm...
What benefits does meditation provide?
On our site, we have summarised studies into the therapeutic benefits of...
Why should I learn to meditate?
By now, you should be aware that regular practice brings certain benefit...
What impact will meditation have on my personal and professional relationships?
'Being present', 'being fully here and now' is extremely important in al...
What are the risks of meditating?
We have never encountered any risks associated with meditating, provided...
Meditation and relaxation?
By making you conscious of any tension within you, meditation can someti...
Meditation and positive psychology?
Regular meditation will enable you to understand how your mind works and...
Meditation and yoga
There are many bridges between yoga and meditation, even though they hav...
Meditation and jogging?
Walking meditation is an excellent introduction to mindful running. Gen...
How can I combine online meditation with a meditation course?
The two approaches are complementary. Meditating with Petit BamBou accom...
What is the difference between meditating alone and in a group?
As with any collective, group experience, you may perceive some sensatio...
Studies and researches on meditation
Here is a list of articles and research on mindfulness meditation and it...