If your Meditation of the Day does not launch, uninstall the application and reinstall it from the Google Playstore, Appstore or Huawei AppGallery (depending on your device).
Make sure you have the latest update.
If the meditation of the day does not work on the website, try changing your browser.
In case the problem persists
Contact us from the app or on help@petitbambou.com . Do not hesitate to give us as many details as possible (error message? closing the app? name of your browser?).
You can also send us screenshots so that we can better visualize your problem.
This information will help our developers to understand where the problem might come from and to solve it faster.
Thank you for your understanding!
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Articles in this section
- I cannot play the following sessions of a program
- My meditation of the day is not working properly
- My program/my app is not in the right language
- My guided session does not start or stops in mid-session
- My free meditation is not working correctly.
- The sound of my guided session does not work
- My app closes by itself
- My history of session is inaccurate
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