The sound of my guided session does not work The sound of my guided session does not work

The sound of my guided session does not work

Clara Clara

If when you start a guided meditation session you do not hear any sound, even though the session is active, uninstall the application and reinstall it from the Google Playstore or Appstore depending on your device. Make sure you have the latest update of the application.


It is also possible that the lack of sound is not coming from the app, but from your speaker, headphones or wireless headphones with a Bluetooth connection. Do not hesitate to check if everything works well on this side too.

We also invite you to consult our article: My guided session does not start or stops mid-session.


If, after these verifications, your session still has no sound, contact us on indicating the program and the session in question so that we can check on our side if everything is working correctly! 

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