First of all, don't worry! It is impossible to "lose" your subscription.
Each account and subscription to Petit BamBou is associated to an email address. It is with this email address and your password that you can access your meditation sessions on any device.
Il y a plusieurs cas de figure que nous avons essayé de regrouper ici :
1. I have changed phone: how do I get my access back?
2. I want to meditate on 2 different devices
1. I have changed phone: how do I get my access back?
If you have recently changed phones, make sure you are logged in with the correct email address on your new device. Beware, a simple typo can change everything.
How do I check which email address I am currently logged in with? :
On the app :
- click on Me
- click on the wheel at the top right to access the settings
There, in My account, you will see with which address you are connected.
Log out if it is not the right address. The logout button is at the bottom of the settings page.
2. I want to meditate on 2 different devices, is it possible?
Yes it is possible ! By logging in with your email address and password you can access Petit BamBou on all devices (tablet, computer, smartphone...) and even at the same time if you wish.
If you have two devices, and access to the full catalogue is only unlocked on one of them, this means that you are logged in with two different accounts (i.e. two different email addresses). Make sure you are logged in with the same email address on both devices.
3. I have a monthly/annual/lifetime subscription but I can' t access all the content of Petit BamBou on the application (Error 500)
If you have paid for a subscription (monthly, yearly or lifetime) on our website and you are not accessing the entire catalogue, it means that you are not logged in with the right account.
Try logging in again with another email address, your Facebook account or your Apple account. If you still can't find your account, send us a message on and send us your subscription invoice. We'll do the research to find your account. :)
4. I have just paid a half-yearly subscription but I don't have access to all the content of Petit Bambou
Following new European legislation, the purchase process has become more secure, which sometimes causes synchronisation problems between Apple/Google and Petit BamBou.
On Apple:
- Check your Apple account to see if Petit BamBou appears in your subscription list.
- If it appears on the list you can do the following steps :
- Go to the application, and click on the crown at the top left of the programs page.
- Then go to the bottom of the page.
- In the I have already paid for a subscription to Petit Bambou but the content is not unlocked yet section, click on click here.
- This button will replay the subscription process, retrieving the information from your initial payment (and of course no additional payment).
- If the subscription does not appear in the list, it means that the payment was not accepted :
The error may be related to the payment method registered on your Apple account. You can refer to the Apple Help Center for more information: Apple Help Center
We invite you to try to re-subscribe via the app or through our website directly: here.
On GooglePlay:
- Check your Google account to see if Petit Bambou appears in your subscription list.
To do this, open the PlayStore application and click on your profile picture.
Then, on "payments and subscriptions" and "subscriptions".
Do you see "Petit BamBou" in your list of active subscriptions?
- If it appears on the list you can do the following steps :
- Go to the application, and click on the crown at the top left of the programs page.
- Then go to the bottom of the page.
- In the I have already paid for a subscription to Petit Bambou but the content is not unlocked yet section, click on click here.
- This button will replay the subscription process, retrieving the information from your initial payment (and of course no additional payment).
If the problem persists, send us the confirmation email that Google sent you at . We will investigate the problem and activate your subscription manually in our system.
- If the subscription does not appear in the list, it means that the payment was not accepted :
We invite you to try to re-subscribe via the app or through our website directly: here.
5. "Another account is already linked to this subscription, please contact customer service for more information" (Error 401)
You have subscribed on the app (via Apple) but you were unable to access our content and therefore clicked on the button of the section I have already paid for a subscription to Petit Bambou but the content is not unlocked yet.
This message appears if you try to restore a subscription on one email address while your subscription is active on another account (another email address). Just make sure you are logged in to the right account (see above).
Finally, remember, if you still can't find your access, our great customer service is there to help you, you can contact them at
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