You have entered the 3Dsecure code sent by your bank and you still do not have access? You have an error 500 when you try to restore the subscription?
Do not worry, if you have entered the 3D secure code several times, you will not be charged several times. Apple's system was designed so that there is no double charging for the same app.
We are really sorry for this issue!
With the new regulations of the European legislation, the purchasing process has become a little more controlled and is encountering some synchronisation problems.
Could you please check on your Apple account if Petit Bambou appears in your subscription list?
To do so, open the settings of your iPhone/iPad and click on your name/first name.
Then click on "subscriptions".
Do you see "Petit Bambou" in the list?
- If it appears on the list, you can do the following steps :
- Go to the application, and click on the crown at the top left of the programs page.
- Then go to the bottom of the page.
- In the I have already paid for a subscription to Petit Bambou but the content is not unlocked yet section, click on click here.
- This button will replay the subscription process, retrieving the information from your initial payment (and of course no additional payment).
- If the subscription does not appear in the list, it means that the payment was not accepted :
The error may be related to the payment method registered on your Apple account. You can refer to the Apple Help Center for more information Apple Help Center and go to:
- Billing and subscription
- Subscripiton and purchase
- Unable to purchase
We also invite you to try to re-subscribe via the app or through our website directly: here.
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