I want to renew my subscription I want to renew my subscription

I want to renew my subscription

Sophie Sophie


All our subscriptions are automatically renewed on their anniversary date for an identical period, unless you cancelled it or have payment problems.


Example: if you took out a monthly subscription on 01/09 and did not cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription, your subscription will be automatically renewed for another month on 01/10.


To find out when your subscription will be renewed

In the application, click on:

  • Me (at the bottom of the page)
  • Settings button (cogwheel at top right)
  • Manage my subscription

On the website :

I want to renew my subscription but it has been suspended

Your subscription may be suspended if your payment method has expired, if your bank card has been blocked or if the bank has rejected your payment.

In these cases, Petit BamBou will notify you by email, your subscription will then be in a "grace period". During this time, you will be able to update your payment method. If you do not update your payment method, your subscription will be automatically suspended. 

If you have problems updating your payment method, don't worry, you can always re-subscribe at the end of the "grace period" and your progress will not be lost as your history is saved on your account. 


I want to cancel the automatic renewal of my subscription

You can stop the automatic renewal of your subscription at any time from your Petit BamBou account settings, for more information about this click here.



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